Army Veteran Found Guilty for Praying Outside UK Abortion Facility

Adam Smith-Conner, a British army veteran and father of two, was found guilty for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in Bournemouth, England.

As previously reported by the Daily Citizen, he was standing near the abortion facility where his son had been aborted 20 years ago. 

He was fined £9,000 (almost $11,700) by the court and given a conditional discharge – meaning “he won’t be sentenced unless he is convicted of any future offences in the next two years,” Alliance Defending Freedom International (ADFI), which defended Smith Connor, stated in a press release.

The legal aid organization explained the circumstances of the arrest two years ago:

Smith-Connor was confronted by officers who asked, “What is the nature of your prayer?” on a public green within a large “buffer zone” – an area covering several streets in the town – in which authorities have banned various expressions of pro-life or Christian belief, including through offering help to women in crisis pregnancies, or praying [emphasis in original].

Smith-Connor responded to the Bournemouth Magistrates’ Court’s decision, saying:

Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts – silent thoughts – can be illegal in the United Kingdom. That cannot be right. All I did was pray to God, in the privacy of my own mind – and yet I stand convicted as a criminal?

I served for 20 years in the army reserves, including a tour in Afghanistan, to protect the fundamental freedoms that this country is built upon. I continue that spirit of service as a health care professional and church volunteer. It troubles me greatly to see our freedoms eroded to the extent that thoughtcrimes are now being prosecuted in the UK.

“The UK Parliament voted to roll out ‘buffer zones’ around every abortion facility in England & Wales as part of the Public Order Act 2023,” ADFI stated.

Right now, ADFI added, “Five councils across the UK currently have active ‘buffer zones’ or censorship zones banning prayer and offers of charitable help to women on the public streets near abortion facilities.”

But the prayer bans will soon be implemented across the country, as the UK government has “announced plans to implement the zones on 31st October. Under the national law, ‘influencing’ someone’s decision to ‘access’ abortion services will become a crime.” 

The Telegraph said the buffer zones include a ban on silent prayer and extend 150-meters around the clinic – about 164 yards.

ADFI Legal Counsel Jeremiah Igunnubole said the ruling was a blow to freedom of speech:

This is a legal turning point of immense proportions. A man has been convicted today because of the content of his thoughts – his prayers to God – on the public streets of England. We can hardly sink any lower in our neglect of basic fundamental freedoms of free speech and thought.

We will look closely at the judgment and are considering options to appeal. Human rights are for all people – no matter their view on abortion.

Igunnubole commented on the nationwide implementation of buffer zones further infringing on freedom of speech in the UK:

The right to hold a consensual conversation, or engage in silent prayer, are protected by international legal provisions on freedom of thought and speech. Yet the lack of clarity in the law could result in many more citizens like Adam being interrogated or even charged for simply directing silent thoughts towards God.

The shocking arrest and fines imposed on the religious beliefs of Adam Smith-Conner happened even though freedom of religion and conscience are protected in the UK under its Human Rights Act 1998, which adopts the European Convention on Human Rights.

Here in the U.S., our First Amendment freedoms are under fire as well, as Christians who pray and protest at abortion clinics are also arrested and sentenced to fines and years in prison.

Related articles and resources:

Alleged Criminal Abortionist Goes Free While Pro-Life Activists Sentenced to Prison

British Cops: ‘What is the Nature of Your Prayer?’ Man Fined for Praying for Aborted Son

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Image credit: ADFI

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