The Methodists are Migrating: Does the Church Care More About Inclusion, or Biblical Truth?

What started as a battle in the United Methodist Church (UMC) over biblical truth and church disciplines has grown to include issues further splitting many congregations over the LGBT and abortion issues.

As previously reported by the Daily Citizen in 2022, mega churches such as Woodlands Methodist Church in Texas and Bethel Church have left the UMC because of its turn to the left on these issues.

But it’s not limited to two churches. Over 100 Methodist churches in Florida, 210 in Texas, 35 in Arkansas and 70 in North Georgia have recently declared their separation from the United States’ third largest denomination.

In 2019, the UMC created a four-year window for congregations to leave over LGBT-related issues. More than 7,600 total U.S. congregations have split from the United Methodist Church since the window opened, reports Juicy Ecumenism.

The old saying goes, “Where God closes a door, he opens a window.” The UMC opened a liberal window, and it’s safe to say churches are busting out of the door too.

During the Methodist General Conference in April of this year, the officials “removed bans on bishops ordaining LGBT people as clergy or consecrating them as bishops.” In addition, according to AP, “it also removed mandatory penalties – imposed by a 2019 General Conference – on clergy who conduct ceremonies celebrating same-sex weddings or unions.”

This only scratches the surface. To summarize the General Conference’s decisions in April, the church “took actions toward being openly LGBT affirming,” AP reports.

Because of this saddening choice, and the UMC’s decision to give congregations the opportunity to leave, the Ivory Coast’s Methodist conference in Africa voted to split from the UMC.

As a result, the UMC just lost another 1.2 million members on the opposite side of the world.

According to The Hill, the Ivory Coast’s Methodist conference stated in their decision that the ground for disaffiliation was “for reason of conscience before God and His word, the supreme authority in matters of faith in life.” In their statement, there was accusations against the UMC for “distancing itself from the Holy Scriptures and sacrificing its honorability and integrity to honor the LGBT.”

Bible-believing churches are leaving the United Methodist Church, and for good reason. It remains to be seen whether there will there be change in the actions of the UMC officials. For now, their priorities are being brought to light: the ideal of inclusion over the truth of the Imago Dei.

Related articles and resources:

Thousands of Congregations Leave United Methodist Church Over Biblical Concerns

Why No Gospel-Centered Church Can Redefine Sexuality and Marriage

United Methodist Churches Leaving Denomination After Years of Struggle Over Biblical Truth


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