Ben & Jerry’s, the Vermont-based ice cream company known for its eclectic flavors and liberal causes, is openly cheering for the death of its future customer base.
Earlier this month the company, which is owned by Unilever, hailed and feted abortion providers on a day set aside to champion the evil and wicked profession.
Over the years, Ben and Jerry’s has lobbied for a wide range of social issues and often by designating a new ice cream flavor so-named as to call ongoing attention to it.
There’s been “Rainforest Crunch” to save the rainforest, “One Sweet Whirled” to bring attention to the ever-changing climate, and “Yes Pecan!” which played off of then candidate Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can!” campaign slogan. “Hubby Hubby,” “Apple-y Ever After” and “EngageMint Party” all applauded the legalization of same-sex “marriage” either here in the United States or abroad.
The company is yet to concoct an abortion-themed ice cream flavor, but on March 10th’s “National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day,” they went all out sharing their reasons for supporting the designation.
Ben & Jerry’s trotted out the usual debunked claims, such as pro-life laws jeopardizing the health of mothers. They conveniently ignored the fact that every abortion kills a child and jeopardizes the health and even life of the mother.
The company also suggested another reason they support abortion is because “communities of color are disproportionately impacted.” They’re not wrong – but almost inconceivably claim it’s because pro-life laws are making it more difficult for black women to get healthcare due to “systemic racism.”
Of course, what they fail to mention is that the most dangerous place in the world for a black baby is the womb. In short, abortion is killing the black community. In fact, of the more than 60 million babies aborted since Roe in 1973, over 20 million of those children have been black. That’s over a third of all abortions, even though just over 13% of the American population is black.
Ben and Jerry’s also defended their support of abortion because they claim abortion providers are being attacked and murdered. To buttress this claim, they cite statistics from over 50 years.
Tragically, rare violent or disruptive acts have occurred over the years. They’re never acceptable, and normal pro-life supporters never condone them. It hasn’t even been clear who was responsible for some of them.
The ice cream maker failed to mention that hundreds of pregnancy medical clinics and even churches have been firebombed and vandalized since the Supreme Court overturned Roe in June of 2022.
But has Unilever, which acquired Ben and Jerry’s back in 2000, finally had enough of the company’s radical social agenda?
Earlier this week in a Manhattan federal court lawsuit filing, the ice cream maker accused Unilever of suppressing their “social mission” and planning to fire Ben & Jerry CEO Dave Stever for his devotion to various liberal causes.
According to reports, Unilever has objected to Ben & Jerry’s support for Palestinian Hamas activist Mahmoud Khalil, and, among other concerns, its desire to criticize President Trump in advertisements.
When Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield sold their company to Unilever back in 2000 for $326 million, they negotiated an arrangement where the ice cream liberals would be allowed to continue their liberalism. It’s now up to the courts to decide who actually has the final authority in company advertising – but it’s the customers who will have the ultimate say when it comes to who buys and eats their ice cream.
Thankfully, those of us who love the sweet treat have plenty of other non-radical, non-abortion-cheering, non-smug, and unsanctimonious ice cream makers to choose from.
Image from Shutterstock.
The post The Absolute Awfulness of Ben & Jerry’s appeared first on Daily Citizen.
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