Can I Trust the Bible? with Dr. Andy Steiger

In an age of growing skepticism and hostility toward the Bible, are there any good reasons to take it seriously? Last week, Dr. Andy Steiger, president of Apologetics Canada, joined Frank to tackle the problem of evil and to explore the ultimate purpose of suffering. This week, Andy returns to discuss, ‘Can I Trust the Bible?‘—a brand-new video series he co-created with Wesley Huff, defending the Bible’s reliability. In this episode, Frank and Andy dive into pressing questions like:

Should Christians engage with secular platforms?
How has Wes Huff’s debate with Billy Carson and recent interview with Joe Rogan influenced Apologetics Canada?
What is Bart Ehrman getting wrong about New Testament manuscripts?
How do we know the Pauline epistles were written early?
What did plagiarism look like in the ancient world?
Are there actual “mistakes” in New Testament manuscripts?
Why aren’t the Apocrypha and Gnostic gospels in the Bible?
Are extra-biblical sources for Jesus more reliable than the Bible?

Be sure to check out Wes and Andy’s new video series along with even more great content on the Apologetics Canada website, including infographics, new podcast episodes, online courses, recommended resources for children, and MUCH more!

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Resources mentioned during the episode:


VIDEO SERIES: Can I Trust the Bible?


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