Coach Prime Stands Up to Anti-Religious Bullies

In the famous words of Ronald Reagan, “There [they] go again.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has once again sent a harassing letter to the University of Colorado chastising football coach Deion Sanders for inviting chaplain Pastor E. Dewey Smith into the locker room for a post-game prayer.

“Sanders is showing his brazen disregard for not only the Constitution, but also the rights of all his players when he decides to force his religion upon them,” claimed FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.

“Students undoubtedly feel extra pressure to abide by his will at a collegiate sporting level.”

Of course, Coach Prime is doing no such thing. Nobody is being forced to do anything.

FFRC is claiming the popular coach, nicknamed “Prime,” is using his authority to coerce the players.

First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit Christian legal defense organization dedicated to helping preserve religious freedom, has reached out to the University of Colorado.

“We want to encourage you to continue ignoring FFRF’s legally incorrect letters,” wrote Keisha T. Russell, Senior Counsel. “We are confident that CU is well within its rights to invite a chaplain into the locker room with its college athletes.”

The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that chaplaincy programs are constitutional under the protection of the First Amendment.

“FFRF fumbled the law,” said Russell. “The United States has a robust and widely recognized tradition of both public prayer and chaplain programs dating back to the Continental Congress in 1776. This rich precedent demonstrates that the University’s program joins the long-standing American tradition that welcomes the participation of chaplains within a variety of America’s public spaces — or, as the case may be, even a locker room.  Coach Sanders and the University of Colorado should ignore FFRF’s hail Mary.”

Coach Prime has not been shy about his faith.

Writing on X this morning, Sanders urged:

“You’ve got to give God something! You can’t just continue to sit back & ask God to do A, B & C & not give Him something to bless.”

In a tweet yesterday, the coach wrote:

“What do u want out of life? What are u putting into life? Do you see a return of investment? Do you understand the thought process of u reap what u sow & give it and it shall be given! Check what u sow & what you’re giving.”

The Freedom From Religion antagonists are sowing erroneous information. They’re also sowing unnecessary animosity.

Dr. E. Dewey Smith is the senior pastor and teacher of The House of Hope Atlanta, The House of Hope Macon and The House of Hope WestPointe in Georgia.

Awarded the “Distinguished Preacher” distinction from Morehouse College, the 30 plus-year-minister began preaching at 17, and has served in a pastoral role since he was 19. Dr. Smith has been working against human trafficking, as well as ministering to those with mental and emotional challenges.

Given the madness and mayhem of culture, including the rampant dysfunction and moral destruction taking place on college campuses, this is a man the FFRF considers too dangerous for Colorado football players to hear from after a game?

We appreciate the level-headed advocacy of our friends at First Liberty for helping to offer direction and perspective to universities that could easily cave under pressure.

Coach Sander’s team is having a solid year on the gridiron. Let’s hope and pray that with the influence and teaching they’re receiving during their football years, his men will also be set up for success off of it.

Image credit: University of Colorado and House Hope Atlanta

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