Don’t Skirt the Edge of the Narrow Way

If we are going to maintain a passion for purity, we need to determine to live our lives in the center of the narrow way and not on the edge.…

Overcoming Our Ahistoric Age – Collin Hansen, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker

It pains my history-loving heart to admit, but most people today simply ignore the past. Some will twist history for partisan gains. Few can sit underneath the wisdom of the…

Rethink the Relationship Between Empires and Religions – Andrew Spencer

The world would be better off if organized religion didn’t exist. Christianity is a prime example of a religion invented to justify the imperial impulse. The expansion of the Christianized…

3 Ways to Disciple Your Kids in an Election Year – Cory Barnes

Last weekend, my 11-year-old daughter asked my wife and me, “Why are you talking more about politics this year than you have before?” There are multiple answers to her question.…

West Virginians Can Outlaw Euthanasia This November

Amendment 1 focuses on medically assisted suicide. Related Resources WWYS – Assisted Suicide is Compassionate  __________ Register for the 2025 Colson Center National Conference May 30- June 1 in Louisville,…

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