Pastor beaten, accused of being leader of ‘conversion racket’

Pastor Josemon Pathrose spent nearly all of February in jail and finally got his confiscated vehicle back after four months. The harassment and criminal charges he’s endured at the hands…

Tennessee Becomes Second State to Prohibit Abortion Trafficking of Minors

Tennessee is now the second state in the nation to prohibit abortion trafficking of minors, and it is a welcome development. Abortion trafficking occurs when an adult assists a minor…

Two States Pass Laws Defining ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ and Protecting Women’s Spaces

Two states – Oklahoma and Louisiana – have enacted laws that recognize the biological differences between men and women, and preserve women’s privacy and sex-segregated spaces. According to Liberty Counsel,…

Our Universe Works … Yet Doesn’t Make Sense; How Could That Be?

How can so much uncertainty lie placidly at the basis of our universe but disrupt nothing in particular? We even build better computers because of it. Source Read More Evolution…

Joe Scarborough calls Trump’s description of relationship with God ‘beyond parody’

Former President and presumptive Republican 2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump says he believes his relationship with God is “good” as he professed his love for Evangelicals who have been faithfully…

The Methodists are Migrating: Does the Church Care More About Inclusion, or Biblical Truth?

What started as a battle in the United Methodist Church (UMC) over biblical truth and church disciplines has grown to include issues further splitting many congregations over the LGBT and…

Jesus, Contradicted | with Mike Licona

Do most Christians have the wrong definition of inerrancy? You may have noticed some pretty significant discrepancies between the different Gospel accounts in the New Testament–discrepancies that skeptic Bart Ehrman…

Kentucky parish offering scheduled same-sex blessings despite Vatican directive

A Roman Catholic parish in Kentucky is offering scheduled blessings for same-sex couples despite the Vatican’s directive that such blessings should be spontaneous. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Whistleblower who exposed Texas hospital’s trans surgeries on kids indicted by DOJ

The United States Department of Justice has indicted a surgeon who blew the whistle on a Texas hospital secretly performing trans surgeries and other treatments on minors. The Christian Post…

How the Binary in ‘LGBTQ+’ Reveals Its Utter Incoherence

Too many people easily assume that all the letters in the sexual revolution alphabet soup are all generally aligned with a common belief system, making them one happy community. Everyone…

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