Traditional popular media, science media, and science journalists have all helped create a situation where we can’t afford to Trust the Science! Source Read More Evolution News
Day: October 8, 2023
This week in Christian history: Jacob Arminius born, Jimmy Swaggart scandal, Urlich Zwingli killed
Memorable events that occurred this week in Christian history include the birth of influential theologian Jacob Arminius, a scandal involving televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, and the death of Protestant Reformation leader…
US Christian leaders urge prayers as Hamas’ attack on Israel leaves over 500 Israelis dead
Hamas gunmen killed at least 500 Israelis, injured over 1,800 and took dozens hostage in a surprise assault, marking the deadliest day in Israel since the Yom Kippur war 50…
Scotland: Anti-abortion groups raise concerns over bill criminalizing pro-life advocacy
Concerns have been raised over new legislation in Scotland that aims to criminalize pro-life advocacy outside abortion clinics. Read More The Christian Post | RSS
The Successful and Worthless Husband: Five Marks of Foolish Men – Marshall Segal
If you lived in his neighborhood, it would be hard not to be at least a little jealous. He has everything any ordinary man on the street would want —…
Put on Bowels of Mercy: Colossians 3:12–14, Part 2 – John Piper
You need biblical bowels. What on earth are those, and how does a Christian embrace this unusual command? Watch Now Read More Desiring God
One Thing My Parents Did Right: Family Devotions – Aleyna Kelly
When I returned home from college last semester, one of the first things I did with my family was “Bible time.” That’s what we call our family devotional time, which…