Same-Sex Attraction and the Doctrine of Concupiscence

The government of New South Wales in Australia is contemplating a bill that would make it illegal to counsel an individual to “change or suppress” their sexual orientation or gender identity. But the Anglican Diocese of Sydney is refusing to comply.  

Last year, Anglican leaders there issued a statement on concupiscence, an aspect of the doctrine of sin having to do with fallen desire, clarifying its relevance to same-sex attraction. Archbishop Kanishka Raffel remarked, “Probably in our culture… that sounds harsh. But this is basic Christian doctrine. … What we want people to know from a pastoral point of view [is] that there is God’s help to help us live God’s way.” 

Especially when it comes to sexuality, it is widely assumed today that our desires are inherently good and define who we are.  But the Christian vision of sin implicates human behavior and human desire. Christ rescues us from our sinful acts and our sinful nature.  

Thankfully, some Christians down under still have the courage to say so.  

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