Announcing TGC’s 2023 Essay Contest for Young Adults – Staff

This summer, The Gospel Coalition is holding an essay contest, inviting young adults (ages 16–22 on July 1, 2023) to explore and write about their experiences of following Christ and seeking truth in an unbelieving world. Winning authors will receive a prize, and their essays will be published on TGC’s website.

Essay Requirements

Each 800–1,000 word essay must be original and must respond to one of the following three prompts. With each of these prompts, contestants should draw from their own experiences and convictions, and use Scripture to support their conclusions. (Want examples? Read last year’s winning essays.) Contestants must give permission to TGC to publish their work, and each essay will be judged by TGC’s editorial team. Submissions will be accepted from June 1, 2023, to July 1, 2023, and winners will be announced on September 1, 2023.

1. The Person in My Church Who Ministered to Me

Which member of your local church has had the greatest gospel influence on you? And what did they do that made that relationship so valuable? Tell us why your pastor, youth pastor, campus minister, Sunday school teacher, or other church member was vital to your spiritual growth.

2. The Evangelistic Approach Gen Z Needs Most

As you talk to your non-Christian peers about the saving work of Jesus, what approach seems to be most helpful? Tell us where you see a gospel opening in your generation—and what you think effective evangelism to Gen Zers looks like.

3. What Gen Z Is Getting Right

As you think about your Christian friends and classmates, what are young people generally getting right? Tell us about something your peers are doing, thinking, or believing in the name of Christ that gives you hope for the future of your generation.


The winner of the contest will receive $500; second place will receive a $100 gift card to the TGC bookstore; third place will receive an assortment of books. The winning essays will be published on TGC’s website, as will any other essays the judges select.

Read the full contest rules and upload your essay! Questions? Contact

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