Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Rejecting Satan’s lies about race, religion and gender

If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a…

Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things – Ryan Griffith

Expect great things, attempt great things. These six words fueled the transformation of global missions — and on a smaller and more personal scale, the vision and direction of my…

Should I Charge Other Christians for My Expertise? – John Piper

Christ bids his people both to wisely get and freely give, and he supplies us with the grace we need to discern when to do what with our talents. Listen…

Distracted by Politics, Consumed by Truth

Salvation won’t arrive on Air Force One, and a perfect world won’t come through the ballot box. But a better world is possible if all our actions, political and otherwise,…

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