Befuddled, bedazzled and bankrupt?

Too many American Evangelicals are befuddled, bedazzled, and bankrupt theologically. All true Evangelicals must be about our Heavenly Father’s business and be involved in some intense and comprehensive remedial education…

Befuddled, bedazzled and bankrupt?

Too many American Evangelicals are befuddled, bedazzled, and bankrupt theologically. All true Evangelicals must be about our Heavenly Father’s business and be involved in some intense and comprehensive remedial education…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Republicans urge DOJ to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites

House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

Justifying Homicide: The Future Battleground in the Abortion Debate

I recently had the opportunity to teach three classes at a local Christian High School. I was asked to come in and talk about the pro-life / pro-choice debate in…

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