The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

The most disturbing documentary I’ve seen in 50 years of ministry

The Frontline special “Growing Up Trans” initially reached millions when it was broadcast nationwide. Now it’s been viewed by nearly 750,000 people on the internet. It’s propaganda pushing transgenderism under…

How Does the Word Produce New Preferences? 1 Thessalonians 2:13–16, Part 5 – John Piper

Are you growing in holiness and love and courage? Then rejoice, the word of God is at work within you. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Calm Under Pressure: Recovering the Grace of Equanimity – David Mathis

I love the old word equanimity. It’s almost fallen out of use today. Perhaps that’s because, in part, the reality has become increasingly rare. Equanimity is a term for composure,…

The Senates Role in The Respect for Marriage Act, and Government Subsidized Birth and Day Care?

John and Maria share about a coalition of organizations that sent a letter to the Senate Minority Leader with concerns about the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.” Afterward, they discuss…

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