Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, July 2021

The July issue of Tabletalk provides an overview of the Bible’s teaching on the household. Around the world and in every culture, the household has served as the basic foundation of human society. Healthy households are essential to a healthy culture, and unhealthy households create all sorts of societal problems, as even secular research has recognized. To have healthy and right-functioning households, however, we must understand the purpose of the household, God’s rules for the household, and the final realization of God’s perfect household in glory. This issue considers Scripture’s teaching on the household and provide guidance for helping believers structure their households in a manner that glorifies the Lord.

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The Tradition of the Household by Burk Parsons
The Creation of the Household by Michael G. McKelvey
The Function of the Household by Tedd Tripp
The Fifth Commandment and the Household by Iain Duguid
Children in the Household by Robert W. Carver
They Call Her Blessed by Mary Beeke
Men in the Household by Scotty Anderson
Providing for the Household by Drew DiNardo
Household Solidarity by Ra McLaughlin
The Eschatological Household by Camden M. Bucey

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