Alex Harris: How to Do Hard Things – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

It’s fair to say we’re coming out of a hard year. Everything we’ve done for the past 12 months has taken more effort and resulted in less productivity. It’s harder for teachers and pastors to communicate online, and it’s less effective for people to listen and learn that way. It’s more difficult to look after an elderly loved one when you can’t visit them, and they feel less cared for. It’s more challenging to breathe and speak through a mask than without one. 

Perhaps we would’ve been better prepared if we’d all read a book Alex Harris wrote with his brother Brett a dozen years ago called, Do Hard Things. In it, Alex and Brett proposed that doing hard things prepares you to do even harder things. You should get up early, they said. Step out of your comfort zone. Do more than what’s required. Find a cause. Be better than your culture expects.

That way, when a pandemic sweeps in or your brother deconstructs his faith or your wife gets sick, you won’t collapse. Your foundation, built on one faithful decision after another, will be sturdy. Your muscles of obedience to the Lord, strengthened by constant use, will be able to handle the load.

In this bonus episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast, we bring you a special interview between TGC senior writer Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra and Alex Harris. 

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