The Nordic countries of Europe consistently rate as the happiest places on earth. But they are also perhaps the most secular, where the very notion of God stirs ambivalence among the population.
Recently a group of young pastors, keen to see a spiritual awakening in the northern reaches of Europe, began meeting and praying earnestly for a new Reformation. They have been drawn to The Gospel Coalition and its commitment to proclaim the good news of Christ as the only means by which people can be reconciled to God and transformed for his glory. Most of them thought they were alone in their region, and have found camaraderie, community, and friendship in knowing other like-minded brothers and sisters.
Councils for TGC Nordic are now forming in the five countries—Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Interest is high. But so is the isolation felt by the small number of Reformed evangelical pastors throughout the region.
Ways to pray:
- Give thanks for God’s grace that is always saving and changing lives, even in places where it doesn’t seem to be at work
- For a true Christ-centered coalition to emerge in the Nordics, whose pastors burn with a zeal to bring the gospel to their nations
- For the people to understand their true need of Christ, and the joy that comes from abiding in him
When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations,“The LORD has done great things for them.” Psalm 126:1–2
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The Gospel Coalition