“Judgmental” is a negative descriptor today, even though our culture holds some values so deeply that it “cancels” anyone who disregards them. And while cancel culture can bring great harm, it’s existence points to the fact that not all judgment is bad. Jasmine Holmes says, “Even in our culture that is not a largely Christian culture, we understand that to judge is to protect. We want to make a judgment about people who are putting others in danger. We want to make a judgment about people who are victimizing others.”
In this episode of Let’s Talk, Jasmine Holmes, Jackie Hill Perry, and Melissa Kruger discuss the confusion around a biblical view of judgment. They consider questions of when it’s wrong (and right) to judge others, and how easy it is to make right judgments with the wrong attitude. They talk about the difference in judging those inside the church and out. Ultimately, the gospel and our own need for grace must inform how and why we judge other people.
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