Wives of Elders

Here’s an excerpt from Wives of Elders, Iver Martin’s contribution to the February issue of Tabletalk:

It ought to be no surprise that the wives of church leaders are given such prominence in 1 Timothy 3. When the Lord calls a man into leadership, He calls his wife to accompany and support him. The role of “helper” in Genesis 2:20 presupposes a task for which the man requires assistance. He can’t do it alone; hence God makes provision by creating a perfect human companion. Her skills are not the same as his, but she will be part of what he needs to fulfill the commission that God has given. It is obvious from 1 Timothy 3:11 that this “complementarian” duo finds expression in the church where, by sharing with his wife, an elder can benefit from a more nuanced perspective that would be foolish to dismiss. He may leave her behind when he goes into an elders’ meeting, but for the most part, as he fulfills his regular responsibilities, she is right there beside him playing a vital role. God has united elders and deacons to wives who complement them in character and gifts.

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