Does My Son’s Inclusion Promote LGBTQ+ Inclusion? – Ask the Colson Center

A mom writes to BreakPoint to ask about a school request. The school wants to push inclusion in the classroom for her son with a disability. The family is concerned that joining the inclusion effort will inevitably be tied to sexual dysphoria inclusion.

After explaining the Christian view of dignity and value, John and Shane provide support for a youth worker. The youth worker asks for church history resources in an effort to make church history connect to a Christian worldivew. John and Shane highlight the development of doctrine inside church history. They explain the distinct nature of the Christian worldview over other belief systems.

— Resources —

Political Idolatries – Mark Tooley

Why You Think The Way You Do – Glenn Sunshine 

Church History Vol. 1 – Everett Ferguson

Documents of the Christian Church – Henry Bettenson

Church History in Plain Language – Bruce Shelley

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