Hymn: “Come Down, O Love Divine” by Bianco da Siena

Come down, O love divine, seek Thou this soul of mine, And visit it with Thine own ardor glowing. O Comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, And kindle it,…

Hymn: “What a Gathering!” by Fanny Crosby

On that bright and golden morning,When the Son of Man shall come,And the radiance of His glory we shall see, When from every clime and nationHe shall call His people…

“For This Reason I Bow My Knees…”: How and Why Paul Prayed

The words we say indicate what’s on our minds. Prayer probes even deeper, revealing what is going on not only in our minds but also in our hearts. As our…

Every Moment Holy Invites You to Draw Near to God Hour by Hour

As followers of Jesus, we desire to live each day in ways that glorify Him. Our activities and interactions—even those we might consider routine—are labors of worship. Every Moment Holy,…

Wallpaper: “Once in Royal David’s City”

“Once in royal David’s cityStood a lowly cattle shed,Where a mother laid her BabyIn a manger for His bed:Mary was that mother mild,Jesus Christ her little Child.” From the Hymn…

What Jesus’ Divine Kingship Means for You

The Scriptures sing a number of melodic lines about Jesus. John Calvin identified three in particular as the munus triplex,1 the threefold dimension of our Lord’s ministry: Jesus is Prophet,…

Listen to the Truth For Life Daily Devotional Beginning January 1!

Begin each day in God’s Word by listening to the Truth For Life daily devotional! Starting January 1, you’ll find an audio presentation of Alistair’s daily insights on passages from…

Wallpaper: Narrow Gate

“For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” Matthew 7:14 Click below to download your image: Apple…

More Than a Nativity Scene: Christmas in God’s Story of Redemption

For many, the nativity is an isolated scene in the biblical story, more familiar as holiday décor than as Holy Scripture. It’s like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle bearing…

Hymn: “See Amid the Winter’s Snow” by Edward Caswall

See amid the winter’s snow, Born for us on earth below, See, the tender Lamb appears, Promised from eternal years. Hail, thou ever blessèd morn! Hail, redemption’s happy dawn! Sing…

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