The King Is Coming: Faith and Obedience in the Parable of the Minas

As Jesus traveled to Jerusalem for the last time before His crucifixion, many thought He would be crowned as a king and immediately begin ruling over Israel (Luke 19:11). Jesus…

Wallpaper: Set the Mind

“To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” — Romans 8:6 Click Below to Download your Image:…

Can God Use Me?

You can probably think of someone who seems like just the sort of person God would use—someone, say, with fantastic gifts and an attractive personality. Perhaps you’ve wished you were…

Wallpaper: Show the World

“Let us rejoice in the Lord always; let us show the world that we are a happy and a blessed people.” — C.H. Spurgeon Click Below to Download your Image:…

What Do the Saints and Scoundrels in the Gospel Teach Us about Ourselves?

The Gospel writers introduce us to several followers of Jesus who turned out to be scoundrels and scoundrels transformed to be saints. In her book Saints and Scoundrels in the…

Was Jesus Always Supposed to Die on a Cross?

It’s hard to fathom Jesus Christ’s final, agonizing hours upon a Roman cross. The floggings, the torture, and the humiliation He had endured were reserved for the worst of criminals.…

Contempt, Contemplation, Conviction: Three Responses to the Resurrection of Christ

The historicity of Jesus’ death by crucifixion is widely accepted. Jesus’ resurrection, on the other hand, is still met with doubt. Everyone dies, after all, but very few people in…

Wallpaper: Entirely Undeserved

“God, in the immensity of His love, has taken and credited me the righteousness of Jesus Christ, a credit that is entirely undeserved. Why would I then do anything other…

Weighed Down by a Guilty Conscience? There Is Hope.

The central message of the book of Hebrews is the superiority of Jesus Christ. Chapter after chapter declares that Jesus surpasses all that came before Him and all that exists…

This World Is Not Our Home: Six Marks of a Heavenly Citizen

In Philippians 3:20, Paul lays down a principle that has been a great hope for each ensuing generation of believers: “Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await…

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