Jesus Is Still on His Throne, Building His Church

You may remember the first time the truth of God began to make sense to you. I know I do. Picture the early pioneers venturing in the American West and…

How Can I Practice Christian Hospitality?

When our culture talks about having people over, they often use the language of entertainment: “I like entertaining,” or “Here are some tips on entertaining.” Christian hospitality, however, is not…

What Is the Church?

Paul gives great attention to ecclesiology, the doctrine of the church, in his letter to the Ephesians. In fact, we could say Ephesians answers this question: What is the church?…

5 Recommended Resources on Vocation

While the word vocation has become synonymous in the English language with describing our careers and paid employment, the concept of vocation encompasses a much broader scope. From a Latin…

What is typology? How can we use it responsibly in Bible study?

FERGUSON: I’ll start by helping with the answer to the last part of the question: “How can I do typology in a responsible way?” First, stick to the clear indications…

What Is Discernment?

Someone I know recently expressed an opinion that surprised and in some ways disappointed me. I said to myself, “I thought he would have more discernment than that.” The experience…

What should I do if I have concerns about the worship songs my church sings?

GORDON: I think this is a conscience issue. The last thing we want to do is sing heresy back to the Lord. The last thing we want to do is…

Thank You for Your Support in 2022

Last month, we asked you to prayerfully consider supporting Ligonier Ministries, and you stepped forward with generosity. Your year-end gifts are helping to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of…

The Church and Israel in the Old Testament

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve to be a worshipping community: He would be their God and they would be His people. The fall, however, shattered their fellowship…

Announcing Our Dedicated-Language Website in Urdu

There is a rising global need for trustworthy biblical teaching to reach Christians in highly persecuted regions. Ligonier Ministries’ new dedicated-language website in Urdu seeks to help meet this need.…

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