God’s Instruction in the Wilderness – J. D. Greear

“The preaching of the law is the schoolmaster that brings us to Christ again and again.” – J. D. Greear In his keynote message at TGC’s 2023 National Conference, J.…

Is There a ‘There’ There? Peterson, Harari, and Holland on Human Rights – Derek Rishmawy

One of the most illuminating courses I took as an undergrad was on the morality of human rights. As with most philosophy courses, it tried to explain the logic of…

The Unknown Printer Who Shaped Modern Missions – Samuel Masters

Many Christians have heard of William Carey. Fewer are familiar with his partner in India, William Ward. While overshadowed by Carey’s fame even in his lifetime, Ward played a vital…

Courageous Pastors or Overbearing Leaders: How Do We Tell the Difference? – Andrew Wilson

This generation needs courageous pastors. Every generation does. Shepherds are charged with guarding and protecting the flock of God from harm, and there’s plenty of that out there, whether in…

How a Seminary Professor Forgave His Son’s Killer – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Robert Smith Jr.

When the restaurant staff saw the four young men walk in wearing masks, they knew it was a robbery. They took off running—all except the cook in the back. He…

‘That Thing Is Alive’: How the Bible Affected Its 6 Newest Narrators – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

A few years ago, as Crossway staff were considering whether to invest in new ESV Bible recordings, they spoke with an expert in the audio publishing industry. “You may not…

Hope Keeps Us Hustling Home – RaShan Frost

Everyone in the city seems to hustle just to survive. Sometimes the word “hustle” has a positive connotation: it’s a way to make a living. In the sports world, “hustle”…

How to Futureproof Your Church – Steve McAlpine

You’re standing outside church one Sunday morning, the early-spring sun warming your back as you chat with a newcomer about what he liked about the singing. Suddenly, the screeching of…

Win People Rather Than Arguments – Marine Graaff

“I’m a Christian, but I’m not a fan of the church. It’s a literal cult!” “I think most Christians would be shocked to find out Jesus was probably bisexual.” “I…

The New Heavens and Earth Fuel Global Missions – Zane Pratt

Scripture wasn’t written as a random collection of disconnected texts. It’s a coherent narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. The elements of its plot are creation, fall, redemption, and…

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