How Local Churches Can Bridge a Widening Gender Divide – Brett McCracken

A recent Financial Times article sparked a frenzy of hot takes when it described how survey data across the developed world showed an “emerging global gender divide” along ideological lines.…

The Improbable Love Story Behind Alpha’s Origins – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

Just over 30 years ago, the Alpha course was launched internationally out of the Holy Trinity Brompton church in London. The classes, which explained the basics of Christianity, caught on…

‘Nones’ Have Always Been with Us – Joe Carter

Over the past decade, a new demographic has steadily risen to prominence in the landscape of religious affiliation—the “Nones.” “Nones” is a term used to describe individuals who, when surveyed…

Why Your Community Needs Healthy Marriages – Collin Hansen, Brad Wilcox

Tell me if you’ve heard this story before: Marriage, followed by childbearing, is the path most likely to lead to a happy, meaningful life for most of us. Compared to…

What the Negative World Framework Gets Wrong – Brian Mattson

In February 2022, First Things published what became a viral essay, “The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism” by Aaron Renn. Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture…

Pastor, Don’t Waste Your Discouragement – Phil A. Newton

While reading one pastor’s farewell sermon to his congregation of three decades, I thought he must have pastored on a different planet. As he lauded the cooperation and support he…

Gen Z’s Biggest Obstacles May Be Their Greatest Gospel Opportunities – Kyle Richter, Emilee McEnery

By now, you’ve seen the headlines: Gen Z is the least religious generation in America. Study after study has shown this to be true. However, most don’t reject religion outright.…

Are All Evangelicals Extremists? – Brian Gross

A few hours after he laid his dad to rest in 2019, Tim Alberta recounts, a family friend and elder at his father’s church wrote him a handwritten letter accusing…

Ready for Church: 5 Ways to Be Present in Worship – Alex Mark

I exercise several days a week in a downtown park with a group of men. One day, I complained to my workout partner that I didn’t get much out of…

Benjamin L. Gladd Selected as Executive Director of The Carson Center – Collin Hansen

Today I’m excited to announce the selection of Benjamin L. Gladd to serve as the inaugural executive director of The Carson Center for Theological Renewal. Gladd currently serves as professor…

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