Not Dead Yet: Tony Evans Celebrates the Vitality of the Black Church – Kelvin Washington

Eddie Glaude Jr.’s 2010 Huffington Post article “The Black Church Is Dead” set off a wave of discussion within the African American community. According to Glaude, the black church is…

How Faithful Diversity Testifies to the Gospel – Timothy Paul Jones

I was delighted by what I saw as the worship service began. Little did I know how short-lived my joy would be. Visitors were a rarity in the tiny Midwestern…

4 Snapshots of Dispensationalism Today – Daniel G. Hummel

Dispensationalism has been in the news recently. Pastors who teach the rapture, the looming antichrist, and a false peace treaty with Israel (among other end-times expectations) have been weighing in…

Value Confidence over Certainty – Randy Newman

Belief systems have differing tolerance levels for doubt. Christianity has a long track record of adherents with less than absolute certainty. Many have honestly wondered whether they should cling to…

How Identity Becomes a Trap – Collin Hansen, Yascha Mounk

Back in 2010, you had to search the corners of a campus to find the identity synthesis—an account of social power according to various identity groups. A decade later, the…

When the Pastor’s Wife Wants to Quit – Glenna Marshall

When my husband and I moved out of state for his new senior pastor role at a small rural church, our sending pastor prayed for our future suffering in ministry.…

How AI Assists in Global Bible Translation – Don Barger

In an age of technological breakthroughs, artificial intelligence (AI) stands poised to assist in one of the most crucial tasks facing the church today: translating the Bible into the heart…

Adoptive Families Need More than a Baby Shower – Christine Gordon

After learning of the many babies born every month in our county who need homes, my husband and I decided to pursue adoption through the foster care system. We educated…

Sing Old Hymns to Encourage New Life – Ryanne Molinari

We’re often told singing in church “isn’t about us,” but Scripture does tell us to address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (Eph. 5:19). Yes, the ultimate…

How to Disagree Constructively (in Church) – Dan Doriani

My wife and I agree we should watch good movies and avoid bad ones. But our agreement about movie watching nearly always ends at that point. Heady sci-fi, anyone? No,…

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