Help! I Can’t Fight These Feelings Anymore –

“A blind man was crossing a bridge. Two guides offered to lead him, one named faith and one named feelings. Faith led the man to safe ground. Feelings was as…

I’m a New Pastor. What Should I Do During My First Year? –

I’d been a part-time church staff member before. I’d also done informal ministry in numerous ways for nearly a decade. But I’d never been a full-time pastor until this past…

College or Seminary Student: Make the Most of This Weird School Year –

No one knows what the 2020–2021 school year will hold for colleges and seminaries. If you’re a student, how do you make the most of this school year when it…

Why I Hate August –

I love hot weather and family celebrations—and yet I hate the month of August. My sister and I were born in August. As a child, I confessed Christ in August.…

What’s Going on with Ezekiel’s Vision? –

Ezekiel wasn’t the first man to see Yahweh’s glory cloud. The Lord had descended on Sinai in a storm cloud (Ex. 24:16). When Moses finished the tabernacle, the cloud moved…

Will Some Christians Smell Like Smoke on Judgment Day? –

Many Christians get nervous whenever the subject of rewards is raised. To speak of praise for specific deeds performed or a life well-lived—or conversely the loss of rewards—strikes them as…

The Coronavirus Cannot Keep Us from Singing –

Singing unifies us. We open our mouths, herald God’s praises, and many voices join together as one. Yet, over the years, believers have had sharp debates about music and singing.…

My Heart Breaks for Kenosha –

I feel—as I imagine you do—the dismay and sadness over what’s happening in and to our city. People’s lives here have been forever changed. A man likely paralyzed. A police…

How to Prepare for Tragedy –

“God’s sovereignty means my son’s death is not meaningless; it’s not an accident. God is in control of all things, and that means his death is meaningful.” Cameron Cole delivered…

What You Should Know About the 2020 Constitution Party Platform –

Although minor parties—often called “third parties” to distinguish them from the dominant two—have always been a part of American politics, the dissatisfaction with the Republican and Democratic parties in the…

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