The Brightness of Life in the Shadow of Death – Matt Boga

In the movie The Matrix, just before Cypher betrays Morpheus and Neo to Agent Smith over dinner, he says, “I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know when I put…

How Should I Pray When I Want to Quit Ministry? – Jeff Robinson

Every pastor is a unique person with his own gifting and personality, strengths and weaknesses; but most pastors also have several things in common. Most of us battle insecurity. Too…

How Home Renovations Point to Heart Renovations – Rebekah Hannah

Our family is in the middle of a house renovation. By “our family” what I really mean is, I have personally taken on an entire building project that is both…

What You Should Know About the 2020 Green Party Platform – Joe Carter

Although minor parties—often called “third parties” to distinguish them from the dominant two—have always been a part of American politics, the dissatisfaction with the Republican and Democratic parties in the…

Older Women, Young Churches Need You – Hannah Nation

Shortly before my second daughter was born, I faced the possibility of giving birth early due to a health complication. All of a sudden, I was scrambling to find someone…

Knowing the God of Our Doctrines – John Currie

The Gospel Coalition hosted a breakout panel titled “The Priority of Scripture in Our Doctrine of God” with John Currie, David Garner, Jonny Gibson, and Scott Oliphint at the 2019…

How Associate Pastors Can Fight for Joy – Matt Sliger

I took my first ministry position as associate pastor of a church in Walling, Tennessee, as a stubble-faced 21-year-old. I met my wife in that church, and left from there…

Does America Have a Caste System? – Sean Michael Lucas

Alongside a few influential review magazines, Oprah’s Book Club has become an important arbiter of significance for new books. And yet, even without Oprah’s logo embossed as part of its…

If You’re Fighting the Culture War, You’re Losing – Cap Stewart

A new Christian consortium, dedicated to preserving religious liberty, is promoting its mission with militaristic imagery and language. The group’s website uses terms like “battle,” “fighters,” and “war.” It’s clear…

Jonathan Gibson on Teaching Obadiah – Nancy Guthrie

It’s the shortest book in the Old Testament—only 21 verses—and I don’t think I’ve heard it preached or taught. According to my guest, Jonathan Gibson, associate professor of Old Testament at Westminster…

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