Turkey sends ISIS commander, Syrian rebels to aid Azerbaijan in Armenia conflict: reports

Reports say that hundreds of Syrian Islamic rebel fighters, including a high-ranking Islamic State commander, have been sent to help prop up Muslim-majority Azerbaijan in its recently re-sparked border conflict…

China sentences Christian bookseller to 7 years in prison, destroys thousands of ‘illegal’ books

A Chinese Christian online bookstore owner has been sentenced to seven years in prison and fined nearly $30,000 for engaging in what the regime deems as “illegal business operations.” Read…

China: Authorities plant surveillance tracking devices in religious minorities’ homes

Chinese Communist Party authorities are planting surveillance devices in the homes of religious minorities to monitor and track those they suspect of threatening the country’s authoritarian rule. Read More The…

Atheist Richard Dawkins canceled by oldest student debate society

Famed atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins’ invitation to speak at the oldest student debate society in the world was canceled over what the society’s auditor deemed as his offensive…

UK Dept. of Ed. issues guidance against ‘born in the wrong body’ gender lessons in sex-ed

The U.K. Department of Education released an updated guidance advising schools not to teach trans-ideology in sex-education such as telling children they “born in the wrong body.” Read More The…

Pro-life Canadian observance ‘Life Chain’ to hold 200 events nationwide despite COVID-19 shutdowns

A nationwide prayer vigil by pro-life activists in Canada called “Life Chain” is scheduled to take place on Sunday at 200 locations throughout the country despite COVID-19 shutdown complications. Read…

China Aid head prays on National Mall, asks God to bring Communist China to repentance

China Aid President Bob Fu issued a prayer over China and the Chinese Communist Party, asking God to transform the country into a “mission-sending church” instead of a “mission-receiving” one. …

India: Christian pastor killed, 20 injured in clashes over land dispute

A Christian pastor was killed in northeastern India when a dispute over a plot of land turned violent.  Read More The Christian Post | RSS

China: Authorities abduct, torture priest to force state conversion

Communist authorities in China have abducted and tortured a 46-year-old priest in the southeastern province of Fujian for refusing to join the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, according to reports. Read…

Adopted child to be removed after Iranian court rules Christian parents are ‘not fit’

An appeals court in Iran has ruled that an adopted daughter with health problems must be taken away from her parents because of convictions related to their participation in a…

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