Canadian woman loses Supreme Court appeal to stop husband’s medically assisted death

A Nova Scotia man has died by euthanasia after his wife’s appeal to the Supreme Court to stop the procedure was denied.  Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Azerbaijan accused of shelling Armenian cathedral, denies targeting religious sites

Azerbaijan was accused Thursday of shelling a historic Armenian cathedral while civilians were inside as fighting over the Armenian-controlled Nagorno-Karabakh region continues after reigniting last month.  Read More The Christian…

Amid looming global hunger crisis, UN’s World Food Program wins Nobel Peace Prize

Amid a looming global hunger crisis accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic, the United Nation’s World Food Program which works to bring aid to millions of food insecure people, has been…

Court hearing against UK gender clinic: Attorneys argue minors can’t consent to puberty-blocking drugs

A major trial in the United Kingdom took place this week scrutinizing a gender clinic, and will determine if minors can legally consent to take puberty blockers and undergo other…

Human rights advocate slams Amnesty International’s abortion up to birth policy stance

The human rights advocacy group Amnesty International is facing criticism over its revised policy expressing support for unrestricted abortion up to birth. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Catholics criticize Pope Francis’ latest encyclical as ‘political document with a religious veneer’

Many prominent American Catholics and publications have criticized Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, describing the document as “pregnant with socio-political concerns” and a “political document with a religious veneer.”…

India: Hindu extremists beat Christians, shave their heads after accusing them of eating cow meat

A mob of Hindu extremists in eastern India beat five Christians, shaved their heads and paraded them through the streets after falsely accusing the believers of cow slaughter. Read More…

China forces churches to replace cross with 5-pointed star: ‘Christianity does not belong’

Chinese Communist Party officials ordered dozens of churches to replace crosses with the five-pointed star, the symbol featured on the country’s flag to represent the CCP and its role in…

Pakistan acquits Christian man sentenced to death for ‘blasphemy,’ but he remains in danger

A Christian man sentenced to death has been acquitted by a Pakistani court six years after he was charged with blaspheming the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Read More The Christian Post…

Church of England failed to protect 100s of children from sexual predators: report

The Church of England failed to protect hundreds of minors from sexual predators among their ranks, according to findings from an independent inquiry. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

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