Pakistani court cites Sharia law to validate abduction, marriage of 13-year-old Christian girl to Muslim man

A Pakistani court validated the “marriage” of 13-year-old Christian girl Arzoo Raja to 44-year-old Muslim Ali Azhar. Raja’s parents bowed to touch the feet of Pakistani police officers, begging to…

North Korea: Christians executed for owning Bible, newborn babies murdered

A new report has exposed the atrocities done to North Korean Christians arrested for their faith, including forced abortions, the murder of newborn babies, and death by execution for possessing…

Terrorist attack in France: 3 killed in church; bishop condemns ‘barbaric acts’

A knife-wielding man attacked and killed three Christians in a church, French officials say. The bishop of Nice, Monsignor André Marceau, said that all churches in the city are now…

Archaeological Discovery: Church built where Jesus called Peter ‘the rock’ found in Israel

A Byzantine church said to have built around the location where Jesus referred to Simon Peter as “the rock” was discovered in a nature reserve in northern Israel. Read More…

Therapist raises concerns over Canadian bill to make body affirmation illegal

A Christian therapist is raising concerns about a bill that’s being debated in the Canadian Parliament would ban counseling sessions in which therapists affirm a patient’s decision not to seek…

Sri Lankan pastor forced to close church amid escalating threats from Buddhist monks, police

A Sri Lankan pastor has been forced to shut down his church and end his ministry work after being detained by police and threatened by Buddhist monks, the Barnabas Fund…

Poland court rules abortion due to birth defects is unconstitutional

Pro-life groups are praising the Poland Constitutional Tribunal’s Thursday decision against a law permitting abortions based on fetal defects, ruling that it violates the Polish Constitution. The decision has sparked…

Pastors in China forced to add communist ideology to Bible stories

Pastors in China report that they’ve been forced to integrate President Xi Jinping’s words into the biblical account of Jesus feeding the five thousand as the Chinese Communist Party increasingly…

Family of Pakistani Christian sentenced to death on blasphemy charge goes into hiding

Fearing attacks, the wife and three children of a Christian man in Pakistan have gone into hiding after a court sentenced him to death for sending a “blasphemous” text message…

Pope Francis appoints Wilton Gregory as America’s first black cardinal

Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., is going to be the first African-American cardinal. Pope Francis announced his name among the 13 new members of the Catholic Church’s highest governing…

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