Honored by Statue, Democratic South Carolina Senator Said Some Blacks “Near Akin to Monkey”

Benjamin Tillman was a monster. He publicly defended lynchings. He drew on evolutionary racism to preach black inferiority. Source Read More Evolution News

Honored by Statue, Democratic South Carolina Senator Said Some Blacks “Near Akin to Monkey”

Benjamin Tillman was a monster. He publicly defended lynchings. He drew on evolutionary racism to preach black inferiority. Source Read More Evolution News

Hero catches boy thrown from burning building, another runs into flames to save toddler’s sister

Two Arizona men are now being hailed as heroes after one of them caught a 3-year-old boy thrown from the balcony of a burning building by his desperate mother while…

CNN’s Don Lemon calling Jesus ‘not perfect’ is ‘blasphemy,’ Mike Huckabee says

CNN host Don Lemon has recently garnered controversy for comments he made claiming that Jesus Christ “was not perfect” while He was living on earth. The Christian Post | RSS…

Ask Dr. Land: Was Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech provocative?

The American Revolution did not declare its independence from God — the French Revolution did. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Biden vows to overturn HHS conscience protections for Little Sisters, Hobby Lobby if elected president

Former Vice President Joe Biden said he will overturn religious conscience protections for nonprofits and businesses opposed to the Health and Human Services’ contraceptive coverage mandate if elected president. Read…

Darwinism Would Fare Poorly Against Pandemics

When combatting disease-causing pathogens, we don’t use the idea that Darwinian evolution is of unlimited creativity. Just the opposite! Source Read More Evolution News

Darwinism Would Fare Poorly Against Pandemics

When combatting disease-causing pathogens, we don’t use the idea that Darwinian evolution is of unlimited creativity. Just the opposite! Source Read More Evolution News

Facing Intense Backlash, Navy Reverses Course and Upholds Sailors Right to Attend Church

The Navy has revised a policy that originally prohibited sailors and soldiers from attending off-campus religious services ostensibly due to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus. After weathering intense…

Supreme Court Accepts Important College Free Speech Case for Fall Term

As the last official act of its 2019-20 term, the U.S. Supreme Court issued some final orders on Thursday addressing cases which it has been asked to accept. One of…

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