Christian college to slash tuition to lowest in 20 years to reduce students’ financial burdens

At a time when high college sticker prices may be keeping potential students away, a Christian college in western New York is cutting its tuition costs to the lowest it’s…

Boston Celtics’ Gordon Hayward FaceTimes wife as she gives birth to their fourth child

Gordon talked to his wife while she was in the delivery room as she prepared to give birth to their fourth child, and their first son, Gordon Theodore. Read More The Christian…

Unlocking the apologetics secrets of the Apostle Paul

Looking at the history of Christian apologetics, I always thought it odd that no one ever undertook any in-depth research to publish a book on how God’s top evangelist outside…

Feeling anxious? But why did Jesus say not to worry?

It is important to remember that Christians are not exempted from feelings of anxiety and stress. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

This week in Christian history: McPherson dies, Gutenberg Bible, Whitefield’s final sermon

Here are three things that happened this week, Sept. 27 to Oct. 3, in Church history. They include the death of Aimee Semple McPherson, the final sermon of George Whitefield,…

The NFL and national anthem: Can racial justice go beyond ‘us vs. them’ mentality?

The NFL kicked off this month in full force — without any fans in the stands. That isn’t the only difference in … Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Pennsylvania ex-church administrator who stole $1.2 million indicted on federal tax charges

A former Pennsylvania church employee has been indicted on federal tax fraud charges related to the theft of more than $1 million from the congregation. The Christian Post | RSS…

Ask Dr. Land: Is it OK for people’s religious faith to influence their role in public office?

As we anticipate President Trump’s nomination of a candidate to replace the late Associate Justice Ruth Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, this is a valid and relevant question to ask.…

Behe on Denton’s Latest: “The Universe Miraculously Got [It] Right”

“Michael Denton is the world’s most profound thinker about the physical and chemical requirements for the existence of a humanoid species like ourselves.” Source Read More Evolution News

Environmentalist Alarm Clock Counts Down the End of the World That Leading Climate Scientists Say Will Never Happen

Just in case you find yourself short on things to worry over, two New York City artists have given you another. And it lets you know the moment you can…

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