Dreaming Spiders? My Disagreement with Michael Egnor

Rapid eye movement may indicate neural activity, but dreaming for me implies a conscious awareness of the dream state, which I consider as unlikely in spiders. Source Read More Evolution…

United Methodist Churches Leaving Denomination After Years of Struggle Over Biblical Truth

Woodlands Methodist Church, a Texas megachurch with 14,200 members, voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church (UMC). Almost 3,000 members gathered to vote, with more than 96% voting to…

World’s Largest Youth Trans Clinic Shuts Down Over Poor Science

The largest youth trans clinic in the world is closing because its methods and results have been found to be deeply harmful to young people’s health. The U.K.’s Tavistock Centre…

Daily Headlines | Friday August 12, 2022

Good Morning! The late Austin O’Malley, an English professor from the University of Notre Dame, once suggested, “A child is an uncut diamond.” If that’s true, shouldn’t we want to…

Fossil Friday: A Fossil Butterfly Lookalike

An intelligent design paradigm can easily accommodate convergences as a natural consequence of a designer reusing the same ideas in different constructions. Source Read More Evolution News

Gay couple arrested for allegedly sexually abusing adopted sons, creating child porn

A gay couple in Georgia have been arrested on charges of allegedly sexually abusing their two adopted sons, who are brothers, and filming the abuse to upload and share on…

Gay couple arrested for allegedly sexually abusing adopted sons, creating child porn

A gay couple in Georgia have been arrested on charges of allegedly sexually abusing their two adopted sons, who are brothers, and filming the abuse to upload and share on…

Gay couple arrested for allegedly sexually abusing adopted sons, creating child porn

A gay couple in Georgia have been arrested on charges of allegedly sexually abusing their two adopted sons, who are brothers, and filming the abuse to upload and share on…

Gay couple arrested for allegedly sexually abusing adopted sons, creating child porn

A gay couple in Georgia have been arrested on charges of allegedly sexually abusing their two adopted sons, who are brothers, and filming the abuse to upload and share on…

Gay couple arrested for allegedly sexually abusing adopted sons, creating child porn

A gay couple in Georgia have been arrested on charges of allegedly sexually abusing their two adopted sons, who are brothers, and filming the abuse to upload and share on…

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