Why Abortion Is Not Health Care

Consider that abortion is a procedure in which death is the outcome that defines success. Source Read More Evolution News

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Babylon Bee CEO tells megachurch the ‘truth is under attack’ in America

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon warned a northern Virginia megachurch that modern American society is attacking truth and comedy in ways that threaten the freedom of speech.  #BabylonBee #Comedy #SethDillon…

Iowa Asks Court to Lift Order Blocking State’s Heartbeat Abortion Ban

The ground seems to be shifting under our feet almost daily when it comes to abortion policy across the states, much of it in a pro-life direction. One such state…

America Needs Another Mister Rogers

Fred Rogers, the congenial, gentle and thoughtful children’s television host, has been gone for nearly twenty years. But once upon a time, beginning in the mid 1950s until his death…

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