Father’s Day call to action: Restoring the black family

The bait and switch resulted in a 50-year cultural genocide which brought the decline of two-parent families from 80% in 1965 to 80% fatherless homes in our lifetime without one…

Study connects jump in youth suicide with transgender treatments, lack of parental consent

It appears that this social contagion not only is spreading rapidly but, as the Heritage report finds, causing direct and permanent harm to children at an accelerated rate. #Transgenderism #parentalconsent…

How can someone claim God favors abortion?

As the debate over abortion rages, with the Supreme Court poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, I find myself wondering: How can anybody claim that…

‘Lightyear’ star: Critics of film’s same-sex kiss are ‘idiots’ destined to ‘die off like dinosaurs’

An actor starring in Disney Pixar’s animated film “Lightyear” ridiculed those who are outraged over its inclusion of a same-sex kiss as “idiots” who are poised to “die off like…

‘Disgraceful attack on Christianity’: Calif. city councilman criticizes LGBT flag-raising at city hall

A California city council member has denounced the raising of an LGBT pride flag at City Hall as a “disgraceful attack on traditional Christianity,” prompting many to demand that he…

Megachurch Pastor AR Bernard’s dream to combat Brooklyn gentrification inches close to reality

The Rev. A. R. Bernard, pastor of New York City’s largest evangelical church, the Christian Cultural Center, inched closer to creating an urban village of hundreds of affordable housing units…

Nearly naked pro-abortion protester disrupts Catholic Mass

A nearly naked pro-abortion protester disrupted a Catholic Mass in Michigan over the weekend as Americans await the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on an abortion case that’s expected to overturn…

Georgia megachurch to pay $13.1 million to leave UMC, end litigation     

A megachurch in Georgia has agreed to pay $13.1 million to leave The United Methodist Church with its property, ending litigation between it and the mainline Protestant denomination. #UnitedMethodistChurch #MtBethel…

‘God doesn’t need the SBC’: Voddie Baucham warns ‘judgment’ falling upon the Church, secular culture

Two of Evangelical Christianity’s most recognizable preachers are warning the nation’s largest Protestant group to resist compromise amid a wave of internal disputes and controversies. #SBC #VoddieBaucham #SouthernBaptistConvention #JohnMacArthur Read…

Bart Barber: Complementarianism, decentralized polity not to blame for sex abuse crisis in SBC

Newly elected Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber has rejected claims that the complementarian theology of the denomination was a major factor in its sex abuse scandal. #SBC #BartBarber #sexabuse…

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