The Clintons predict the end of democracy in America if Republicans win

We will always have our deep disagreements and competing agendas. And some of our concerns and differences run very deep. No one is denying that. But if we want to…

Church grieves after former treasurer gets probation for stealing $400K

A Pennsylvania church that wanted to see “greater punishment” for a former treasurer who pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $400,000 from their coffers is now grieving after she was sentenced…

Texas AG can’t intervene in lawsuit against hospital over puberty blockers, trans hormones: judge

A Dallas County judge has ruled that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has no authority to intervene in a lawsuit involving a Dallas hospital’s ability to provide gender transition services…

Myanmar military torturing, killing children: ‘Fingernails, teeth pulled out during interrogations’

Myanmar’s Buddhist nationalist junta has disproportionately targeted religious minorities, including Christians, and brutally attacked and killed hundreds of children since last year’s military coup, according to multiple reports, including the…

Charlie Dates named successor to James Meeks at 10K-member Salem Baptist Church of Chicago

Calling him “the greatest young preacher in our nation today,” Rev. James Meeks announced Sunday that Pastor Charlie Dates of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago will succeed him as leader…

44-year-old quadriplegic man becomes first to die by assisted suicide in Italy’s history

Italy has formally approved and carried out its first-ever doctor-assisted suicide, which followed a lengthy legal fight so that a quadriplegic man could end his life.  #assistedsuicide #FedericoCarboni #romancatholicchurch #Italy…

Supreme Court says Maine can’t bar parents from using state funds to send kids to religious schools

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that Maine cannot prohibit parents from using a state tuition program to send their children to religious private schools. #SupremeCourt #Maine #tuition #churchandstate…

Quarter of US abortion clinics will close if Roe v. Wade is overturned, study predicts

A new study released in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization purports that if the court overturns Roe v. Wade, the case that legalized abortion…

Which of these 3 Christians does more spiritual harm?

Which of these three Christians does more damage? Or, more importantly, which one sounds more like you? Or like me? Which one of these reveals our own blind spots? #Love…

Stephen Curry: A champion we owe thanks to his mom

Growing up poor, Curry was always determined to be a success, focusing intently on her education and her athletic skills as a competitive volleyball player. What she viewed as her…

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