Ask Chuck: Is the American economy doomed?

I’m concerned about our economy tanking. Larry Burkett wrote a lot about our national debt and out-of-control federal spending that would likely lead to hyperinflation. Where do you think our…

Trump has too much baggage

I appreciate all the good that Donald Trump did during his presidency and am grateful to him for his deep solidarity with Christian conservatives. But we cannot endure a repeat…

Are we destroying the church to save it?

We are demonizing one another. Hating one another. Fighting one another. No wonder fewer Americans claim to belong to the Church. #Church #ReligiousAffiliation #EmbracingJesus #PewResearchCenter Read More The Christian Post

Denying the binary: Why socialism and sexual perversion go hand in hand

Each in its own way — socialism and sexual perversion — denies such distinctions. They rebel against the fundamental orders of God’s creation. They must not be countenanced among God’s…

Biden admin. working to redefine ‘sex’ with proposed Title IX rule changes, critics say

The U.S. Department of Education has unveiled proposed changes to federal civil rights law designed to make it clear that protections against sex discrimination “include discrimination based on sexual orientation…

‘Concerning’: Over 930,000 abortions in 2020, Guttmacher study finds

Over 930,000 abortions occurred in the United States in 2020, representing an increase from three years earlier, according to a research organization with historic ties to Planned Parenthood. #abortion #prolife…

Ex-lesbian Jackie Hill Perry warns single Christians against dating non-Christians

Jackie Hill Perry, a Bible teacher, author, rapper and former lesbian, recently warned single Christians against dating non-believers.   #JackieHillPerry #DatingAdvice #Singles #Podcast #unequallyyoked #LGBT Read More The Christian Post

Allegations of grooming, sexual assault against CCM singer Chris Rice detailed in new report

A new report elaborates on allegations of sexual misconduct against well-known contemporary Christian music singer and songwriter Chris Rice, who reportedly engaged in “massages” with underage boys and invited them…

Oxford college apologizes for ‘misleading’ claims about Christian group after LGBT outcry

A college in Oxford, England, has apologized for tarnishing the name of a Christian organization with misleading claims in a letter to students after it allegedly canceled a conference booking…

Christian Reformed Church solidifies opposition to homosexuality as ‘confessional’ belief

The Christian Reformed Church Synod has declared that its historic stance on sexual ethics, particularly the practice of homosexuality, has “confessional status.” #LGBT #Homosexuality #ChristianReformedChurch #Sexuality #Marriage Read More The…

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