Election Night Brings Upsets, Surprises, and Indicates Big Changes are Coming in November

Tuesday evening brought us yet another election night for the year. Numerous primary contests will be held between now and the midterm general election on November 8, 2022. Until then,…

If Roe Goes, It’s Because Christians Were Willing to Fight

Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek, right?  “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,’” said Jesus. “But I…

Southern Baptists Elect New President, Adopt Recommendations on Sexual Abuse

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), America’s largest Protestant denomination with approximately 13.7 million members, elected Texas pastor Bart Barber as its new president on June 14 in a run-off election…

For Supreme Court Justices Thomas, Barrett and Others, It’s the Loss of Ordinary Days

There are always consequences to the lunacy of radical policies, including the loss of simple joys that many people don’t even think much about. “I go to Mass before I…

Daily Headlines | Wednesday June 15, 2022

Good Morning! Will the Supreme Court issue the long-awaited and anticipated Dobb’s ruling today?  Outside court circles, it’s anybody’s guess. “Waiting itself is beneficial to us,” preached Charles Spurgeon. “It…

‘Washington Post’ Finds Most Americans Oppose Including Men in Women’s Sports

According to a new poll conducted by one of the nation’s most leftist news outlets, most Americans oppose men competing in women’s sports. The Washington Post writes: Even as an…

Sports Illustrated Fumbles Story on Coach Kennedy and Religious Freedom

When I heard that Sports Illustrated (SI) did a story on Coach Joe Kennedy, my first thought was, “Why?” As faithful readers of The Daily Citizen know, the coach is…

Florida Governor Weighs Ordering Investigation Into Parents Who Take Children to Drag Shows

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is considering ordering the state’s child protective services to investigate parents who take their children to drag shows. NBC News recently reported that the governor told…

Daily Headlines | Tuesday June 14, 2022

Good Morning! “Life is a right,” stated popular radio host and founder of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro. “In fact, unlike abortion, which is not a right, life is specified…

We Should Fly the American Flag with Pride

Tuesday is Flag Day – the 245th anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as America’s flag. It comes at a time of great cultural and political upheaval. In…

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