¿Puede un cristiano perder su salvación? Un análisis de los pasajes de advertencia en Hebreos

Por Dr Jonathan McLatchie Un punto importante de controversia en relación con el libro de Hebreos es si un creyente genuino puede perder su salvación, o si el alejamiento de…

7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign

By Natasha Crain In case you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a $100 million advertising campaign that launched this year across the United States and is aimed at helping rescue…

7 Mistakes We Make About Christians and Politics

Like all informed citizens, Christians should be involved in politics at some level. But how is that possible? What about the separation of church and state? What about evangelism? Won’t…

Jesus is Our Lord, Not Our Mascot.

By Melissa Dougherty​ Some churches and people make Jesus a mascot. I’m sure a few people reading this might be scratching their heads, wondering what I mean by this. Others…

4 Reasons Christians Should be Involved in Politics

Another election is upon us! Should Christians get involved, or should we just stay out of it? Is the church getting too political? Have we come to a place where…

Tweets Against Christianity

By Tim Stratton  Scott Clifton is a Hollywood actor who has gained fame as a soap opera star (One Life to Live, General Hospital, and The Bold and the Beautiful).…

Where is the Real Mt. Sinai? | with Tim Mahoney

Is there any evidence for the Exodus? Where is the real Mount Sinai? Our Bible maps and traditional Bible scholars think that the issue is settled, but does what they…

15 Mistakes We Make Judging God’s Morality – Part 1

Is God nothing but a bully, a murderer, and a temperamental father? A quick scan of the Bible might alert us to some passages that on the surface seem a…

UFOS, Aliens, And Christianity

By J. Brian Huffling many people throughout history and across the world have claimed to have seen UFOs and even have experiences with what are normally described as aliens. I’ve…

5 acontecimientos que sacudieron la Tierra y que están relacionados con la Biblia

Por Sean Mcdowell En la reciente actualización del clásico libro de mi padre Evidencia que demanda un veredicto, comenzamos con un capítulo sobre la singularidad de la Biblia. Sin duda,…

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