Police prevent Sean Feucht and team from setting up for worship night in Chicago

Police in Chicago prevented popular California worship leader Sean Feucht and the “Let Us Worship” movement from setting up musical equipment for a “riots to revival” worship protest to be…

Kroger faces lawsuit after it fires employees for refusing to wear pro-LGBT aprons

A major supermarket chain is facing a lawsuit after firing two employees over their refusal to wear a rainbow emblem that violates their religious beliefs as part of their work…

Duggar sister Jill Dillard admits she drinks alcohol ‘socially’ despite her strict upbringing

Jill Duggar Dillard responded after making headlines last week for drinking an alcoholic piña colada. The reality star revealed that she drinks “socially.” Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Historical Ignorance Growing – 48% of American Millennials Cannot Name a Single Holocaust Concentration Camp

A recent survey released by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) revealed that historical ignorance regarding the Holocaust is growing among Millennials and Generation Z. During…

‘Almost apocalyptic’: Convoy of Hope, churches helping those affected by West Coast fires

Convoy of Hope, a faith-based disaster relief charity, has been working with churches on the West Coast where it has sent over a dozen loads of supplies to aid families…

Black Appraisals of Black Lives Matter – James Manning

Photo by Gage Skidmore A previous series revealed the anti-American agenda of Black Lives Matter, which, under the guise of fighting racism, seeks to transform the United States into a communist dystopia.…

The godfathers of rebellion

The heart of rebellion is pride, and when it comes to the sin of pride, the Bible makes it clear who was Patient Zero. Read More The Christian Post |…

The Coming Coup? – Desmond Berg

As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with…

AEI report: Graduates of Protestant schools most likely to have intact marriages, fewer divorces

A new report from the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute concluded that those who attended Protestant private schools as children were less likely to get divorced and have children…

Kimberella — The Oldest Radula (Not)

There is a strange fact that shows that any interpretation of these trace fossils has to be taken with a grain of salt. Source Read More Evolution News

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