TGC Announces New Resource Hub for Pastors – Jared Kennedy

Are you a lead pastor, local church elder, or church planter? Are you looking for practical ministry help, a word of encouragement, or a community to connect with?

The Gospel Coalition is pleased to announce a new resource landing page designed to serve pastors just like you.

Friend for Pastors

TGC exists to renew and unify the contemporary church in the ancient gospel of Jesus Christ, and we accomplish this mission by supporting church leaders in their efforts to declare and defend the good news, and apply it to all of life. We aim to be an edifying friend to pastors and church leaders—and through them a friend to those they disciple.

We aim to be an edifying friend to pastors and church leaders—and through them a friend to those they disciple.

Our new TGC Pastors landing page focuses on equipping men serving in, or training for, pastoral ministry. It’s designed to direct them to our best resources on preaching, ministry practice, and spiritual formation. You’ll find our latest articles, books, cohorts, and podcasts designed especially for pastors. These tools will help you hone your counseling skills, improve your sermons, and grow together with like-minded leaders.

One Stop for Ministry Resources

We hope this page will be a deep encouragement to pastors, as well as a one-stop hub where they can learn about new initiatives like Jeremy Treat’s new Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics cohort, “Preaching Christ in a Post-Christian World.” If you want to be one of the first to know when we roll out new offerings, be sure to bookmark the page and sign up for our ministry newsletter.

Some days you may scroll to the TGC Pastors page after an encouraging conversation with a new believer. Other times, you’ll land there after a difficult board meeting. But whatever is going on in your circumstances when you pull up the page, our prayer is that you’ll receive the resources we offer as an expression of gratitude for all you do to build up Christ’s body. We want to support and encourage you as you serve and lead your local church community.

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The Gospel Coalition

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