*Spoilers for the film Wicked (2024) ahead. Stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in the film. Also, this is about the film, not about the book by Gregory Maguire or the Broadway musical.*
A lot of opinions are circling the interwebs as to whether Christians should see the film, Wicked. While there are definitely certain unredeemable media that we here at Mama Bear Apologetics feel totally comfortable giving a black-and-white “NO” to (*cough* Fifty Shades *cough*), most of the time we just try to give you some things to think through and leave it up to you and the Holy Spirit. That’s where we’re at with Wicked. It’s not for everybody, particularly those who themselves (or their kids) are sensitive to themes containing witchcraft. For instance, there is a scene towards the end of the movie when Elphaba, the green witch, casts a spell from a spell book, and it is very unsettling, especially for those who are spiritually sensitive.
Also, parents should be aware that one of the opening scenes implies an extramarital affair. And if you do choose to see the movie, be prepared for depictions of “queerness” which at times is blatant and slightly obnoxious (just sayin’). That being said, we’re not here to give you a play-by-play or even a movie review. We’re here to do what we do best: to help parents guide their kiddos in discerning through messages being sent by the culture around us.
We’re here to do what we do best: to help parents guide their kiddos in discerning through messages being sent by the culture around us. #wickedfilm #wickedClick To Tweet
A quick bare-bones need-to-know summary: Wicked is a spin-off of the Wizard of Oz, which depicts the origin story of the Wicked Witch of the West. Elphaba is born green and has mysterious powers she can’t control, and she is treated horribly by other humans for being different. Animals, however, show her kindness and understanding. She meets Glinda (the future “Good Witch” from the Wizard of Oz) at Shiz University. Initially, the two start out as enemies, but eventually befriend one another. They travel to Emerald City to meet the Wizard, and it turns out (spoiler alert) he’s a big fat sleazy manipulator!
The Wizard and the Headmistress of Shiz University are extremely interested in Elphaba’s powers. Elphaba realizes she is being used for her powers to oppress animals, and she decides that rather than comply with the “system,” she will “defy gravity,” become her own authority, and fight for the justice of her world’s talking animals! Meanwhile, Glinda, who desperately wants everyone to like her, chooses to put her trust in the corrupt Wizard and evil headmistress despite witnessing for herself their true wickedness.
Now let’s R.O.A.R!
R – Recognize the Message
People become “wicked” because of things that happened to them.
Our culture is obsessed with villain origin stories (the Joker, Cruella, Loki, etc.). We love to ask the question, “How did this person become so evil?” Wicked is yet another depiction of a character who has been long perceived as pure evil, but when you peel back the layers to see why they act as they do, you’ll find that there is goodness buried somewhere inside their hearts.
Naivety can lead to participating in a wicked and oppressive system.
As cute and charming as Glinda (ahem, I mean GAH-linda) is, her narcissistic attitude blinds her to the injustice of the oppression of talking animals. She is so obsessed with approval from those in power that she prefers to naively submit to oppressive authoritarians, convincing herself that they are good even with clear evidence that they are not. Glinda begs Elphaba to trust the Wizard because he must have a good reason for what he’s doing! As a result, Glinda participates in an oppressive system. Viewers should come away with the message that naivety is no excuse. Submitting to oppressive leaders and going along with their system is wrong.
The (seemingly) good guy might actually be the bad guy.
Beware of the ones who you trust who have power and control over you. They may have all the appearances of being good and trustworthy and of having good intentions for you. But do they really?
O – Offer Discernment
TRUTH #1: Understanding One’s circumstances can help us have more compassion and grace for them.
When we see something in someone that we don’t understand (or don’t like), it is always a good idea to get to know them better in hopes of understanding them better. We develop habits, attitudes, and defense mechanisms as we grow, depending on what was encouraged in our family of origin or the aspects from which we needed to protect ourselves.
TRUTH #2: Our circumstances do have an effect on us.
The age-old nature-nurture controversy is alive and well. There are some people who are born with propensities no matter what kind of environment they are in. (We see this all the time with biological siblings who couldn’t be more different.) On the other hand, we cannot deny that our environment has a significant effect on us. However, we should be careful to not make an explanation into an excuse. We are ultimately responsible for our choices, no matter what kind of hand we are dealt.
TRUTH #3: We should not strive for the approval of men.
Can we say yay for examples of standing up for what is right, even when everyone else is trying to “go along to get along”?
TRUTH #4: Ignorance is not an excuse to participate in injustice.
(‘nuff said)
Ignorance is not an excuse to participate in injustice. #wicked #wickedfilmClick To Tweet
TRUTH #5: People can deceive us.
(‘nuff said)
So, while we applaud the truths that Wicked espouses (and we should use them as jumping-off points to talk with our kids!), there are a number of totally unbiblical lies that have snuck in too.
LIE #1: People are inherently good.
Hollywood is obsessed with the “noble villain” – the person who had all the goodness beaten out of them by evil, oppressive systems. Without these horrible experiences, they would have (of course) been totally altruistic, kind, and heroic. Mama Bears, this is the opposite of the biblical worldview. Yes, we humans have a latent imago dei; most everyone is born with an innate sense of good and evil. Romans 2:15 reminds us that God’s law is written on our hearts. However, our inclinations are usually more prone to pride and selfishness than goodness and self-sacrifice.
Just observe your kids. Where have they ever seen you or your husband bashing each other over the head to get to a toy? They didn’t have to learn that behavior; that feature came standard–with the creation of the child. So, do not confuse a person’s knowledge of good and evil (or even their desire to be good) with the lie that we humans are basically good. We’re not. Ask anyone who has studied genocides. It is not usually some strange monster who perpetrates the atrocities that we see in crimes against humanity. It is often the average, everyday person.
LIE #2: Magic/sorcery is a neutral tool, and whether it’s good or evil depends on how you use it.
This is one of those lies that is sneaking into lots of our programming. Our society seems to be suddenly obsessed with the idea of “good” forms of the occult. Just ask any self-proclaimed witch (ahem…actress Ariana Grande herself), and they’ll tell you that they are doing “white” witchcraft . . . as if there were such a thing. Mama Bears, no. There is no such thing as white magic. There is no such thing as a good witch. And for those of you who feel that you need to stay away from Wicked entirely because–for you–it would be participating in the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11), stay away! Listen to that voice of the Holy Spirit.
A – Argue for a Healthier Approach
So how do we think about good versus evil? God and His goodness are not ambiguous, nor are they “nuanced.”
God is ALL good. Everything God does and commands is ALWAYS good. The objective moral system that permeates our reality flows from His very nature. Right is right and wrong is wrong. But why does it seem so confusing sometimes? Why are people such a mixed bag of goodness and evil? Why does it seem like the most evil people really do have tragic pasts? Any of our confusion around morality is not because God has been confusing. Rather, because of sin we have really muddied up our worldview lenses. It can be hard to see clearly, and we need the sanctification of the Holy Spirit to clear them up for us!
Any of our confusion around morality is not because God has been confusing. Rather, because of sin we have really muddied up our worldview lenses.Click To Tweet
So, we were created with the ability to represent God and His work here on Earth. But since God lovingly endowed us with free will, we have the choice to commit good (living up to His image) or to commit evil (distorting His image). As testified by our everyday experience, each human is a mixed bag of both choices.
R – Reinforce Through Discipleship, Discussion, and Prayer
Know your (and your child’s) level of spiritual sensitivity. Some people may find Wicked to be a very fun, fantasy-based musical. Others (like one of our mama bears) could not even look at the promo poster without having spiritual discomfort well up inside. A lady Hillary saw the movie with had to physically get up and leave when Elphaba started speaking aloud the spells in the book. (Hillary said she also felt something spiritually dark during that scene.) Different people have different spiritual sensitivities. Listen to them.
Know you and your child’s level of occult fascination. Look out for how fascinated your child is (or you are!) with occult themes. Are they tempted to think that witchcraft is cool to imitate? Do they secretly want to be a “good witch” even though they *know* that there’s “no such thing”? If so, maybe for you, stay away. We do not want to elevate something that is already a struggle. If you’re a theater kid who can spot the nonsense, but you love the music and you can partake without being affected, that’s between you and God. Romans 14:5 – each one should be fully convinced in their own mind. (Meaning, that you have already taken it before God, and He’s told you if this is for you and your kids, or not.)
Talk to your child about the world’s idea that humans are inherently good. Read Luke 4:1-14 and ask your kiddo, “Did Jesus sin when He was tempted?” (No!) Talk about how Jesus had been fasting in the wilderness for 40 days. He had deprived Himself of His basic needs yet still overcame temptation because He IS inherently morally good. Next, read about the fall of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-7). Talk about how they had everything they could ever need and want (fruit from any tree but one, a home in a beautiful garden, fellowship with God), yet they still chose to sin. Can their sin be blamed on circumstances? What does that say about how we should think about our own sin?
What did you think of the Wicked film?
Recommended Resources:
Can All Religions Be True? mp3 by Frank Turek
Jesus, You and the Essentials of Christianity by Frank Turek (INSTRUCTOR Study Guide), (STUDENT Study Guide), and (DVD)
Is Morality Absolute or Relative? by Dr. Frank Turek DVD, Mp3 and Mp4
Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers (book)
Alexa Cramer is a Blog and Podcast Contributor and Video Content Creator with MamaBearApologetics.com. She’s also a homeschool mom of two. She became obsessed with apologetics after a season of doubt that nearly stole her faith. Alexa has a background in film and video and will willingly fight anyone who doesn’t agree that DC Talk is the best band that ever graced the earth.
Originally posted at: https://bit.ly/4jriGWf
The post ROARing Through the Wicked Film appeared first on Cross Examined.
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