Governor Ron DeSantis Declares October 6 ‘Protect Life Sunday’ in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has declared this Sunday, October 6, 2024, as “Protect Life Sunday in Florida.”

The governor has signed a proclamation declaring that “all lives, born and unborn, are a valuable gift from God and are worthy of our protection.”

The proclamation comes at a critical time as voters in Florida head to the polls. They will decide on Florida Amendment 4, the state’s “Right to Abortion Initiative.” If Florida voters approve Amendment 4, tens of thousands of babies will by killed every year by abortion in the Sunshine State.

“Since the very beginning of our country, our founders declared that all Americans are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable right,” the proclamation states. “The State of Florida is committed to welcoming and supporting parents and families as they raise children.”

It adds:

On this Protect Life Sunday, as we gather with one voice, we pray that Florida would continue to lead the way to protect, support, and value innocent life at all stages, especially the unborn.

Now, Therefore, I, Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby extend my support to all observing October 6, 2024, as Protect Life Sunday in Florida.

You can read the entire official proclamation below:

In a press release, Florida Family Voice, a Focus on the Family-allied state family policy council, applauded the proclamation, saying it “underscores the importance of valuing and protecting human life at all stages, from conception to natural death.”

The day is intended to raise awareness about the sanctity of life and to encourage communities across Florida to engage in activities that promote life-affirming values.

This initiative aligns with Governor DeSantis’ ongoing efforts to support pro-life policies and to highlight the state’s commitment to protecting the most vulnerable members of society, including the unborn.

The proclamation encourages Floridians to participate in educational and community events that emphasize the significance of life and to advocate for laws and practices that protect life.

This election season, voters in 10 states – including Florida – will decide whether their state constitutions should be amended to include the so-called right to abortion.

As Christians, we must protect life at the ballot box. Around 25 million Christians in America don’t vote consistently. If they did, they could make a big impact on protecting life in our nation. If you aren’t registered to vote, we encourage you to register today.

And please, vote to protect life this November.

Gov. DeSantis recently appeared on an episode of Focus on the Family with Jim Daly, “Sounding the Alarm on Florida Amendment 4.” The governor explains how Amendment 4, if passed, could lead to the legalization of late-term abortion in the state and would remove parental consent for minors. You can listen to the episode to learn more.

You can learn whether you will be voting on an abortion measure in your state.

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and want to learn more about your options, visit My Choice Network.

Related articles and resources:

Sounding the Alarm on Florida Amendment 4

Understanding the Importance of Voting

Christians, Consider These Eight Key Issues When Voting Your Values This November

Speaker Mike Johnson Reveals His Parents’ Courageous Choice Not to Abort Him

Join the ‘Great American Prayer’ Event Ahead of November’s Election

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Photo from Getty Images.

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