God Is Working While You’re Waiting – Collin Hansen, Mark Vroegop

Waiting can be endured. Waiting can be avoided. Waiting can be abhorred. Waiting can also be chosen. Because Waiting Isn’t a Waste, according to a new book by pastor Mark…

Don’t Underestimate the Role of History in Evangelism – Gavin Ortlund

Christians are called to be different from the surrounding culture. Philippians 2:15 says we should “shine as lights in the world.” Romans 12:2 calls us to “not be conformed to…

Storytelling: The Parenting Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed – Betsy Childs Howard

Shortly after I moved into my first apartment, I decided to make my mother’s beef stew. The recipe called for red wine, but after I started cooking, I realized I…

How ‘Intensive’ Parenting is Making Us Lonely

Should there be more get-togethers for parents with no one watching the kids?  __________ For more resources to live like a Christian in this cultural moment go to Breakpoint.org.  Read…

The Widening of God’s Mercy: New Pro-LGBTQ Book, and Comments by Pope Francis

A new book has been released by the father/son team of Richard and Christopher Hays titled The Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality Within the Biblical Story. I hate to be…

Our Family Forever

In the church, many people assume that men enter pastoral ministry simply out of a desire to be pastors. But such an assumption is far from the truth. God makes…

Pope Francis Says All Religions Lead to God; A Strong Bishop Corrects Him

At an interreligious youth meeting in Singapore late last week, Pope Francis made some troubling statements about how people around the world can find God’s salvation. Departing from his prepared…

Christians Need to Step Out of the Boat

The Gospels are full of miraculous accounts of Jesus’ ministry, from turning water into wine to restoring sight to the blind, healing the crippled, feeding thousands and, of course, rising…

Beware the Coming Sci-Fi Nightmare

Last week’s New York Times contained a guest essay from Ari Schulman, editor of The New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology & Society. Titled “The World Isn’t Ready for What…

Witchcraft on Campus? Dr. Owen Anderson Exposes ASU’s Anti-Christian Agenda

For this special edition midweek podcast episode, Dr. Owen Anderson returns to expose more of what’s going on at Arizona State University and how it’s specifically singling out Christian and conservative faculty…

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