Texas AG sues county for mailing out thousands of voter registration forms to unverified recipients

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is waging a legal battle over a county program that he says unlawfully mailed thousands of voter registration applications to unverified residents. Read More The…

Instagram makes teen accounts private; watchdog group hails ‘major victory’

Instagram has announced that it’s making the accounts of teenagers private in an attempt to make the social media platform safer. The Christian Post | RSS Read More

The Plant That Can Mimic Other Plants

If it can’t see, how does it copy the leaves of any one of a number of plants growing nearby? Source Read More Evolution News

How ‘Intensive’ Parenting Makes Us Lonely

Last month, Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs hosted a celebration for the 1,000th episode of the beloved audio drama, Adventures in Odyssey. The event sold out well in advance, with over…

How the 1960s Sexual Revolution Led to Where We are Today

In 1948, Dr. Alfred Kinsey, along with other progressive academics, launched the effort to radically redefine human sexuality. It was in that year that Dr. Kinsey, with funding from the…

Why You Need to Be A Christian Case Maker (Podcast)

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Podcast, J. Warner makes the case for why all of us, as Christians, need to take the additional step and become Christian Case…

Key Tenets of Marxism VS America’s Philosophical Foundations

I’ve been fascinated by Marxism since my parents first told me about the Cold War we were living in when I was almost 10-years-old (1983). I remember asking them why…

Society of St. Andrew celebrates 1 billion pounds of food shared

The Society of St. Andrew, a Virginia-based Christian charity, has recently passed the milestone of having provided 1 billion pounds of food with the needy. Read More The Christian Post…

The Faith That Shows God to Be God – John Piper

What about faith shows God to be glorious? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Romans 4:16–21 to highlight how Abraham’s unwavering faith magnified God’s faithfulness. Watch…

Heaven Has One Celebrity: A Dream at the Gates of Paradise – Natalie Brand

After giving my name to the first man holding a huge ancient book, I ask the other — the gatekeeper — where I can find the green room. He looks…

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