The Olympic Victors Go Vegan: No Meat for the Medalists

On the elite stage of the Olympics, top-rated, trained, disciplined and talented athletes compete in their events to bring home the gold that each has been training years to achieve. But what happens when they aren’t fueled well?

This might be the case in the 2024 Olympics with the organization deciding to choose a vegan route with “fake meat meals and non-dairy options.” Because Olympians were upset about the “Vegan Olympics,” as they called it, more than “700kg of eggs and a tonne of extra meat” has been called in for the athletes to eat.

The Australian noted that the Paris Olympic games organizers ordered “60 percent of food at all Olympic venues be vegan to reduce carbon footprint of dairy, meat, and cheese.”

With some Olympians divided between fueling themselves well and fretting over the release of carbon emissions into the world, Christians could be asking some of the same questions.

Should believers be vegetarian and/or vegan? Does it really matter?

Focus on the Family has previously written about this here. According to Focus, many believers hold different opinions, and there is no right answer. The Bible does not explicitly tell a believer what the right way is to live – that is where free will comes in. The Olympic committee made that decision for the athletes, thinking they knew what was best.

Yet, there are passages in Scripture to which an argument can be made for and against both sides of the debate.

For instance, some believers interpret Genesis 1:29-30 to mean that “vegetarianism was part of God’s original purpose and plan for both man and the animals.” Because of that, they’ve decided that vegetarianism is a necessary part of a redeemed and sanctified life.

Others argue, that because Jesus “declared all foods clean” (Mark 7:18-19) the legalism of the Old Testament no longer applies. “It also underscores the importance of Christian liberty and individual conscience.”

The bottom line is, “we all need to make decisions in this area that are consistent with what we believe God wants us to do – even if others disagree.”

Related articles and resources:

Vegans, Vegetarians and the Bible

Help Your Child Eat Healthy

Counseling Consultation & Referrals


Image from Shutterstock.

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