Brace Yourself for the Abortion Obsession

For time immemorial, the normalization and softening of sin has been the Evil One’s devious tack to both ensnare and alleviate man’s burden.

Writing of the worldwide acceptance of slavery, historian Milton Meltzer observed:

The institution of slavery was universal throughout much of history. It was a tradition everyone grew up with. It seemed essential to the social and economic life of the community, and man’s conscience was seldom troubled by it. Both master and slave looked upon it as inevitable…A slave might be of any color—white, black, brown, yellow. The physical differences did not matter. Warriors, pirates, and slave dealers were not concerned with the color of a man’s skin or the shape of his nose.

Those who champion abortion are working tirelessly to achieve a similar distinction – the widespread normalization of the killing of preborn children. They’re going about it numerous ways – from codifying a so-called right to abortion in state constitutions to mocking and marginalizing those who oppose the effort.

And if you think the campaign to undermine pro-lifers has been aggressive to date, you haven’t seen anything just yet.

Election years tend to magnify old and chronic problems. Abortion is one of them, an issue that won’t go away until every life is protected under law. Try as the radicals may, the slaughter of innocent preborn babies cannot be dismissed with slogans or shaming or even the passage of legislation legalizing it.

That’s because sin sticks. It also kills (Romans 6:23). Short of confession and repentance, you cannot get away from it.

One of the great ironies in this ongoing battle in defense of innocent life is how all the major institutions of power and the people who proudly represent them tend to try and glamorize and even glorify the “right” of a woman to abort her baby. In every other instance these players purport to be the defenders of the weak, the infirmed, the powerless and the poor – except when it comes to the right of an innocent baby in the womb to live.

In the coming weeks and months, prepare to be ridiculed, to be accused of being an oppressor, a misogynist, a backwards buffoon. You’ll be labeled cold and heartless, blind to the plight and rights of women.

In truth, every allegation slung at pro-lifers is usually an indictment of the one slinging it.

Pro-lifers are the ones who are pro women, knowing that abortion scars and emotionally burdens for a lifetime. They’re the true liberators, the ones standing up for the defenseless, serving as their protector.

Writing about the quest to emancipate slaves in the 19th century, Thomas Sowell suggested that even those who supported slavery knew in their hearts it was wrong. To make his point, he tells the story of the capture and execution of Nathaniel Gordon, who captained a slave ship. Here is how Sowell described the situation:

In 1862, a ship carrying slaves from Africa to Cuba, in violation of a ban on the international slave trade, was captured on the high seas by the U.S. Navy. The crew were imprisoned and the captain was hanged in the United States – despite the fact that slavery itself was still legal at the time in Africa, Cuba, and in the United States. What does this tell us? That enslaving people was considered an abomination. But what to do with millions of people who were already enslaved was not equally clear.

Similarly, abortion radicals seem at a loss for what to do, despite the solution staring them down in pure sight. Life is always the better choice. Adoption is always superior to abortion.

For the rest of us, as we face the coming onslaught of lies about life, the Apostle Peter’s ancient counsel, though addressing our need to witness, also provides a timeless and practical way to respond to abortion radicals.

“But in your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).”

Be prepared to counter the lies with truth. Stand firm and resolute in your convictions. Don’t be intimidated by the bullying and mockery. Urged Paul to Timothy – and to us, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).


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