Virginia School District Ignore Parents Opposition, Implements ‘Gender Identity’ Lessons

More than 80% of parents in Fairfax Country Public School’s (FCPS) do not support “gender combined sex education,” or Family Life Education for grades four to eight.

And yet, the school district still implemented the changes.

With well over half of parents objecting to the teaching of transgenderism and same-sex relationships, the Fairfax County School Board did decide to move forward with the initiative, unanimously approving the Family Life Education Curriculum in order to include “broadening examples of family structures to be more inclusive of the many different families in our schools,” the Daily Signal wrote.

In this change, seventh grades will now be required to watch “Puberty 101,” introducing transgenderism by PBS.

One seventh-grade parent, Vicki Burnett-Miller, stated that parents should be “lead educators on topics such as gender identity, not schools.”

Eighty-four percent of the family and community members of this school district agree: This should be a family discussion, and schools are overstepping.

According to the Washington Examiner, after a 2023 survey was sent to community members and parents and the results showed overwhelming opposition, neither the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee, nor the school board, intended for the survey results to be made available to the public.

The Fairfax Country Parents Association (FCPA) publicized them in a tweet in March 2023, coming to the rescue as an unwanted accountability partner for both the committee and the school board. This information then delayed the decision of the school board for a year.

Now, a year later, despite the continued opposition, the county has proceeded without a care to the parents of the district, hoping to “erase parent’s memories and divert their attention.”

This decision has parents wondering, why ask for input if it will just be ignored?

The reality, FCPA President Bonnie Myshrall told 7News in response, is that when FCPS desires to do something, “they appoint a committee filled with people with viewpoints to get the outcome they want, ask for community feedback, then ignore and manipulate the feedback.” She continued, “It’s a pattern we’ve seen repeatedly.”

One silver lining that parent seem to be grateful for is the “opt-out” option. There is a form on the district website that allows their student to be pulled out of all or some of the new curriculum, unlike what Maryland parents are experiencing.

Hopefully, if enough parents are paying attention, the sex education classes will be empty.


If you’re worried about what your child is being taught in school, check out the following resource from Focus on the Family: Back to School for Parents: A busy parent’s guide to what’s happening in your children’s classrooms and practical steps you can take to protect them.


Related articles and resources:

Back to School for Parents


Image from Shutterstock.

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