The Shame of Misplaced Moral Outrage

A twelve-year-old Houston girl, Jocelyn Nungaray, was killed by two illegal Venezuelan men on June 17 after, according to court documents, they lured her under bridge, stripped her pants off, bound her hands and feet and assaulted her for two hours. When they grew bored, the monsters strangled her and dumped her body into a nearby creek to be discovered early the next morning by a passing motorist.

Young Jocelyn’s mother and five-year-old brother now have a brutally painful hole in their lives because of our nation’s open border policy.

The two illegals have been charged with capital murder.

Enter an MSNBC panel discussion.

Symone Sanders, the MSNBC host, Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, and Michael Steele, former chair of the Republican National Committee, are discussing national crime and illegal immigration. Jocelyn’s tragic death is mentioned by Roberts.

Unbelievably, the MSNBC host interrupts, expressing more moral objection that the rapist/torturer/killers are being referred to as “illegal immigrants” than the brutal violation and murder of poor Jocelyn Nungaray.

Sanders quickly interrupts her guests stating, “I wanna be clear. We don’t use the term illegal. “ She declares, its “undocumented individual.”

Steele shamelessly does what he’s told, dutifully shifting to “undocumented individuals.” Roberts properly responds to the misguided outrage with, “That’s sweet, they’re illegal aliens.”

You can see the disturbing exchange here:

Let it be said: No one should ever allow themselves to be bullied into using meaningless woke language. Not on immigration. Not on abortion. Not on “gender pronouns.” Not on anything.

We are all free to use the words we know to be true and correct, and we have a responsibility to do so. No one should ever spinelessly kowtow like Steele did.

People who enter a country illegally are “illegal aliens” and “illegal immigrants.” They have an illegal status. That is correct legal terminology. The words “illegal” and “alien” are used in federal immigration law.

It is morally objectionable to isolate some illusory “micro-aggression” over an actual grave injustice like rape, torture and murder. Using an otherwise serious policy discussion about the life and death issue of national security to enforce meaningless language codes on others is a sure sign of moral bankruptcy.

Such behavior is reprehensible and must be called out as such. May we have more citizens who boldly resist empty virtue signaling and confidently speak what they know to be true.


Image credit MSNBC.

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