How the Christian Civil Rights Movement Defeated Social Darwinism and Eugenics

American apostles of Darwinism had begun the 20th century weaponizing common racist attitudes to popularize Darwin’s theory Source Read More Evolution News

California Legislature Advances Bill Forcing Teachers to Hide Mental Health Information From Parents

California’s Senate Education Committee voted in favor of a bill that prohibits school employees from telling parents about their child’s struggle with transgenderism. AB 1955 allows schools to “socially transition”…

Trump found guilty on all charges in ‘hush money’ case

Former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 charges by a New York jury in the “hush money” case. Read More The…

Sword-wielding Utah man arrested for attacking churchgoers at worship service

Utah police have arrested a man who entered a Catholic church during Sunday morning worship and reportedly attacked parishioners at random by punching them with his fists and striking them…

What is the Best Age to Marry? New Research Offers Surprising Findings

It is wisely assumed that everyone entering marriage wants their marriage to last for life. That, after all, is what marriage is about, “till death do us part.” Many, however,…

World’s Longest Serving Flight Attendant Curtailed Career to Care for Her Son with Down Syndrome

Bette Nash, age 88, who holds the Guinness World Record for the longest serving flight attendant, has died. Nicknamed “Nash Dash,” the legendary American Airlines employee began her career in…

Jerry Seinfeld, Dominant Masculinity and Culture’s Hunger for Real Men

Jerry Seinfeld has been in the news quite a bit lately and for reasons usually not associated with a standup comedian who has made his career musing about “nothing.” At…

Diocese of Fresno files for bankruptcy as it faces sexual abuse claims

A Catholic Diocese in California has filed for bankruptcy as it seeks to adjudicate several claims of sexual abuse committed at the hands of clergy members. The Christian Post |…

Jerry Seinfeld laments decline of ‘dominant masculinity,’ social hierarchy in US: ‘I like a real man’

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld lamented the decline of traditional masculinity, which he suggested has led to the disintegration of the clear social hierarchy that once dominated American culture. Read More The…

Black residents in NC sue to remove monument to ‘faithful slaves’

Calling it unlawful and racially discriminatory government speech that violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, a group of black residents in Tyrrell County, North…

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